
Your Sixteen-Year plan to make your dreams come true

Your Sixteen-Year plan to make your dreams come true

You can’t make something happen without a plan. Plans are the foundation on which all of your dreams come true and ambitions build. Without a plan, there is no way to identify what you want and how you will get it.

However, the plans we make for ourselves don’t always work out so well.

They can be unrealistic or they may not line up with how our lives are unfolding. But this doesn’t mean that you should give up on making your dreams come true. It just means that you need to change your approach to goals, plans, and wishes. 

Read this blog post for some tips on creating a new type of life plan that will help you achieve your goals in just 16 years!

Setting your goals

If you’re ready to start setting some goals for your life, the first step is deciding what it is you want. You may have a vision of what your life will be like in 20 years, but now’s the time to jump out of your head and onto paper. Start by making a list of everything you can think of that you want or need. Maybe you want to retire early, spend more time with your family, or learn how to cook. Whatever it is, write it down!

Break it into smaller goals

There are two types of goals you can set for yourself: Long-term and short-term. Long-term goals are things that you want to achieve in 10 or more years. These are your life plan.

Short-term goals can be set with a deadline of one year, six months, or even one month. Short-term goals are meant to help you get closer to achieving your long-term goal while also giving you quick wins on the way there!

This is why it’s important to break your long-term goal into smaller, more manageable steps that are easier to manage. For example, if you want to start a business in five years but don’t have any experience in entrepreneurship, then your first step might be taking an online course on the subject. This will teach you what you need to know while also giving you the opportunity for some initial success!

You might not have the time or money at this moment for big dreams like starting a business or traveling around the world—but breaking them down into smaller parts will make them easier to achieve!

Plan your resources

If you want to make your dream come true, it’s important to plan your resources. You can’t accomplish great things on an empty stomach!

You should plan what resources you need (and how you will get them) and set deadlines for when they should be accomplished. For example, if you’re planning a 16-year goal like becoming the world’s happiest person, you should map out all the resources you’ll need to meet that goal, including money, time, books on happiness, and more.

Now that you know what resources are needed for this goal, set deadlines for when they should be acquired. For example, maybe in year one of your plan, it would be helpful to read 3 books about happiness. Once that first year is over, then buy more books on Amazon or borrow them from the library.

It may sound rudimentary to specify these details in advance but it will help keep your dream alive even when times get tough. It can also help keep your motivation levels up by giving yourself small goals to achieve each day or week that will take you a step closer to achieving a bigger goal.

Plan your environment

The environment in which you make your plans makes all the difference in your success. You need to create an environment in which you are comfortable and able to focus on the plan. If you are in a place where there is too much noise, too many distractions, or not enough sleep, it will be hard to come up with a plan that will work for you. You need to find an environment where you can relax and allow yourself to think creatively about how to achieve your goals.

Plan for change

The idea of making a plan for your life is great, but the reality is that the plan needs to be flexible. 

What if you want to change gears and pursue an entirely new career?

Or what if your financial situation changes and you need to scale back on travel or cut out expensive hobbies (or both)?

The point is that life happens. You can plan all you want, but when something unexpected happens, there’s no way to predict how it will affect your plans.

For this reason, it’s important to make sure your life plan has room for change. A good plan should be flexible enough to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances.

Be flexible with your plans and expectations

The best way to avoid disappointment is to be open-minded about your plans. You want your dreams to come true, but you also want to be realistic about what they are. If you’re not willing to change your plans if something doesn’t work out, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

The reality is that life frequently tosses us curveballs. The only way that we can ensure that our plans will work out is if we are flexible and willing to make changes when necessary. That’s not always easy, but it’s much better than having an unrealistic plan and feeling like a failure when it doesn’t work out.

Plan your time

The first step in creating a new type of life plan is to examine how you spend your time.

You should take some time to think about what you are doing with your time, what you want to do with your time, and how the two correlate. Once you identify that information, you can then decide if any changes need to be made.

For example, if you have a lot of free time on your hands and want to create a new life plan but don’t know where to start, it may mean that there is a disconnect between the way you’re spending your time and what you want from your life.

Choose your priorities

Life plans are always changing. You may want to become a doctor, but then you decide to become an engineer. You may want to be married by the time you’re 25, but then you find yourself single at 35.

The way your priorities change is largely dependent on your age and goals. For most people, it’s more about succeeding in their careers than getting married or having children.

However, for some people, their priorities are different. They might not want to focus on their career as much as they do on getting married and starting a family. Your life plan is going to depend on what type of person you are and what kind of goals you have in mind.

Learn from mistakes and keep going, don’t give up!

There are several reasons why your plan may not be working out. Maybe you’ve been trying to meet the same goals for years and it doesn’t seem like anything is happening. Or, maybe you’ve been trying to change your behavior for months and still don’t feel any different, despite all the good intentions. You may have even made a new plan that was better suited for what you want but it’s not going as well as you’d hoped either.

This can be discouraging, but don’t give up! Chances are, if you’ve already tried a lot of things and they haven’t worked out, then something else might work better. It could be as simple as changing some details or tweaking some old habits to more effectively reach your goals!

In 16 years from now, your new plan will have been successful and you’ll look back on this post as a reminder of how far you’ve come.


Your goals are what drive your actions. Make sure you set goals that are challenging but attainable and break them into smaller goals.

As you can see, you have the power to design the life you want. You can shape your fate. You 

have the power to set your goals, to plan your environment, to take responsibility for the life you want.

There are no limits to what you can achieve with your dreams. You just need to plan your environment, set your goals, and work your plan. What are you waiting for?

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Varun Pahwa

Hi there! I am Varun Pahwa. I’ve learned several lessons from some of my darkest life experiences. Join me at Uprisehigh where I share brilliant tips on self-improvement, relationships, life simplification, & a lot more. Share your stories and honor me with the opportunity to help you out with your problems.

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